Profile TabsProfileTrina BeebeAdministrative Office Managerbeebe.25@osu.edu614-292-6909Office: 200N Agricultural AdministrationProfessional InformationDegrees & Credentials: B.A., Missions/Bible, Cincinnati Christian University, 1979Biography: PRINCIPAL RESPONSIBILITIES * Perform administrative management for the department and department chair * Liaison between college and departmental personnel * Develops annual and semester schedule of classes * Works with Shared Business Center staff with HR and fiscal activities HOBBIES/INTERESTS Family, grandchildren, travel, crafts, Sudoku ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Received 2005 National Agricultural Alumni and Development Association (NAADA) Front Line Award, the 2007 CFAES Student Council Outstanding Service to Student Award, and am an Honorary Member of the Agricultural Education Society as of 2010 and have an Honorary State FFA Degree as of April, 2015. Was awarded the 2017 OSU Distinguished Staff Award. Works - Any -Journal articleBook/book chapterReportWorking paperPolicy briefPresentationData