Haley Sherman, of Kenton, served as an intern this summer with Ohio State Extension, Franklin County in Columbus, Ohio.
During her internship, Sherman created and implemented agricultural education workshops and sessions, including an exhibit for COSI’s Farm Days. Other projects including assisting with educational efforts to support urban food production and working with the Master Gardener volunteers to coordinate “Ask a Master Gardener” booth. Sherman also planned an event to promote OSU Extension events during Local Foods Week.
“Haley has completed both a course-based field experience internship in our office and a full-time paid internship this summer and has done phenomenal work,” said Mike Hogan, extension educator and associate professor of agriculture and natural resources for OSU Extension, Franklin County. “It is obvious to use that Haley has the experience, leadership and commitment to become an outstanding agricultural educator.”
Sherman will return to Ohio State in the fall to begin her senior year studying agriscience education.
The agriscience education major at Ohio State prepares its students you to acquire a license to teach agricultural science in secondary high schools in Ohio and across the country, with extensive training in agricultural science, educational psychology, instructional methods, and youth development. For additional information on the agriscience education major, visit acel.osu.edu or call 614.247.6358.