ACEL well represented at NACS

Feb. 6, 2020

The Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership was well represented at the National Agricultural Communication Summit (NACS) in Louiseville, Kentucky in early February. Graduate students Alyssa Rockers and Abby Sanders, along with faculty Dr. Emily Buck, Dr. Joy Rumble and Dr. Annie Specht attended the conference with paper and poster presentations.

Papers presented:

Impact of Animating Infographics About Genetic Modification on Information Recall
Jessica Holt, Alexa J. Lamm, Kristin Gibson, Kevan Lamm, University of Georgia; Jason Ellis, Kansas State University; Joy N. Rumble, The Ohio State University

Unobserved Interaction Between Participants and Discussion Topics Within Focus Group Discussions: An Application of Social Network Analysis
Yu Lun Wu, Joy N. Rumble, The Ohio State University; Taylor K. Ruth, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Alexa J. Lamm, University of Georgia; Jason D. Ellis, Kansas State University

Technically Speaking: Technical Skills Needed for Agricultural Communication Baccalaureate Graduates
Arthur Leal, University of Tennessee; Kati Lawson, Ricky Telg, University of Florida; Joy Rumble, The Ohio State University 

Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resource Opinion Leaders in Online Environments
Tiffany M. Rogers-Randolph, Kansas State University; Lisa K. Lundy, Ricky Telg, University of Florida; Joy N. Rumble, The Ohio State University


Posters presented:

Young farmers' choice of communication channels when communicating with consumers: A case study of midwestern farmers
Yu-Lun Wu, Fally Masambuka-Kanchewa, & Emily Buck, The Ohio State University

Reality or historical romanticism: The impact of agricultural images on cognitive dissonance
Alyssa Rockers, Joy Rumble, & Emily Buck, The Ohio State University

It’s almost as if they have a problem with women: A constant comparative analysis of feminist conversations on agricultural Twitter
Abigail Sanders, Alyssa Rockers, & Annie Specht, The Ohio State University

Can we increase motivation? An Experimental Design of Motivation and Personal Relevance
Yu-Lun Wu, Joy N. Rumble, The Ohio State University; Alexa J. Lamm, University of Georgia; Taylor K. Ruth, University of Lincoln-Nebraska; & Jason D. Ellis, Kansas State University