84 ACEL students named to CFAES Dean's List

Jan. 23, 2020

Congratulations to 84 students from the Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership for being named to the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences' Dean's List for the 2019 Autumn Semester. To be selected for the Dean's List, a student must earn a 3.5 GPA or higher. In addition, 26 students earned a 4.0 GPA for this semester.

Agricultural Communication
Emily Beal
Rachael Billups
Skylar Buell
Abigail David*
Alexis Elliott
Hanna Fosbring
Joanna Frankenberg
Christina Gaerke
Courtney Heiser*
Jane Hulse*
Lea Kimley
Madison Layman
Jena Maxwell
Kasey Miller
Abigail Myers
Emma Newell
Meredith Oglesby*
Lindsey Okuley
Makayla Petersen
Lauren Preston
Hallie Roberts
Eva Scott
Bethany Starlin*
Zachary Steiner
Linnea Stephens
Marlee Stollar*
Kamala Sweeney
Cheyenne Wagner
Abigail Werstler

Agriscience Education
Haley Back
Megan Bergman*
Korryn Berry
Hayley Black*
Maryellen Bliss
Alison Butler*
Whitney Clagg
Collin Dunaway
Devan Eckert*
Kayla Erickson
Haley Evans*
Kaitlyn Evans*
Sean Fitzsimmons
Mitchell Gehret
Bailee Griffeth
Caleb Hickman*
Maggie Hovermale
Alaina Kessler
Elizabeth Landis*
Taylor Lutz*
Rebecca McCarty
Josie McDowell
Chloe Metcalf*
Hayley Milliron
Madisen Morlock
Cody Myers
Julia Naus*
Taylor Orr*
Olivia Pflaumer*
Milan Pozderac*
Charlee Purshing
MaKayla Risner*
Dakota Sayre
Paige Schaffter*
Robert Selvey
Davis Sodders
Sydney Stinson
Kalyn Strahley
Claire Vilagi*
Jamie Walter
Brittany Weller*
Chloe Wilson
Emily Wilson
Haley Wilson

Community Leadership
Madison Allman
Trenton Baldwin
Melanie Fuhrmann
Courtney Hovest
Emma Johnson
Allyson McCurdy
Emma Phillips
Kayla Rtter*
Megan Schulte
Elizabeth Strine
Bridget Yutzy

*denotes 4.0 GPA for this semester