Lindsay Naumann-Montoya
advised by Mary Rodriguez
The Role of NGOs and How They Engage with a Post-Conflict Community and Leverage Community Capitals: A Multiple Case Study in Vereda Granizal, Colombia.
William Robinson
advised by Joy Rumble
Pandemic-time shifts in food purchasing behavior through the lens of Social Exchange Theory and Social Norms
Nicole Volk
advised by Annie Specht
Redefining Agritourism with Bourbon Tourism in Mind: A Case Study of Bourbon Distilleries and Employee Perspectives
Schelby Beach
advised by Annie Specht
The Farmer’s Water: Global and Craft Brewer’s Lifestyle Branding and Semiotic Agricultural Marketing
Solomon Garner
advised by Shannon Washburn
Social Capital and Non-familial Adult Volunteers: Connections with Youth and Community
Julia Knaggs
advised by Emily Buck
Reaching Gen Z: A Qualitative Study of Chipotle’s Visual Storytelling and Implications for Corporate Reputation Management
Jaelene Loor Suche
advised by Jera Niewoehner-Green
Women’s Participation and Leadership in Agricultural Associations of Cacao Farmers in Ecuador: A Comparative-Case Study
Josie Manternach
advised by Kellie Claflin
Examining the Relationship Between SBAE Teacher Social Media Use and Self-Confidence
Darian Brooks
advised by Annie Specht
Adult Learning: Assessment of Adult Learning Transfer Techniques in the Meat Industry
Madison Dyment
advised by Annie Specht
Attitudes Toward Agricultural Communications Program Development at the University of Guelph: A Student and Industry Perspective
Kaitlyn Evans
advised by Jeff King
Exploring the Perceptions of Ohio Agriscience Education Teachers on Mental Health Wellness in Their Schools
Beth Giffin
advised by Theresa Ferrari
An Exploratory Study of 4-H Professionals’ Experience with Computer Coding, Professional Development, and Implementation of Coding into Community Programs
Kane Kinion
advised by Emily Buck
An examination of social media marketing strategies by Ohio show livestock producers
Emily Masters
advised by Jera Niewoehner-Green
Peace Leadership Defined by Youth in Occupied Palestine and Considerations for the Next Generation
Molly Michael
advised by Dee Jepsen
Agricultural Safety Curriculum for Elementary School Teachers in Ohio through Semi-Structured Interviews
Kameron Rinehart
advised by Jera Niewoehner-Green
Determining Ohio Agricultural Organizations Engagement with Diversity and Inclusion: An Ohio Case Study
Jeremiah Shum
advised by Jera Niewoehner-Green
Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurial Leadership: Intellectual Property Landscapes for Social Good Using AI-Aided Satellite Technology
Zach Steiner
advised by Jeff King
First-year Students in CFAES Mentoring Experience
Marlee Stollar
advised by Joy Rumble
The Influence of Charitable Food Organization Branding on College Students’ Behavioral Intent
Eboni Adderley
advised by Mary Rodriguez
Appraisal of Backyard Gardening Intentions Among Residents on the Islands of New Providence and Grand Bahama
Ty Casey
advised by Amanda Bowling
Strategies of Motivation Teachers Can Learn from Coaches
Joanna Claudy
advised by Emily Buck
Rare Breeds and 4-H Youth: Rare Breed Exhibition within Poultry and Rabbits at Midwest State 4-H Fairs
Frances Foos
advised by Scott Scheer
Examining the Preparedness of Ohio 4-H Volunteers to Lead Virtual Club Programs
Summer McLain
advised by Jera Niewoehner-Green
Ohio FFA State Officer Experiences with Mental Health Topics in Ohio Agricultural Education Programs
Abbey VanTyne
advised by Caryn Filson
Exploring Identity Development Among Preservice Agriscience Teachers During an Early Field Experience
Paige Andrews
advised by Jera Niewoehner-Green
Why Get Involved? Describing parents’ motivation to participate in 4-H projects.
Alisha Barton
advised by Mary Rodriguez
Volunteers for a Food Secure Community: Perceptions of Food Insecurity and Motivation of Volunteers
Katelyn Johnston
advised by Emily Buck
Describing the Efficacy of Research Videos in Extension Education
Austin (AJ) Jorns
advised by Jera Niewoehner-Green
Smallholder Farmers’ Perceptions Toward Solar Renewable Energy Technology on the Island of Trinidad.
Grace Peach-Storey
advised by Brian Raison
The Effect of Parent Training in Instable Families
Robert Theil
advised by Amanda Bowling
A Mixed-Methods Study on Impact of Teaching Methods for Andragogy in an Informal Settings
Emily Isaacs
advised by Mary Rodriguez
Toward Smart City Goals: Promoting Sustainable Commutes Among University Student
Lauren Stohlmann
advised by Emily Buck
Application of VFTs to Increase Agricultural Literacy of Youth
Emily Warnimont
advised by Annie Specht
Women Agvocates’ approaches to using Instagram
Cora Carter
advised by Dee Jepsen
Exploring safety and health concerns with urban and peri-urban livestock production in the city of Managua, Nicaragua
Phillip Goerig
advised by Jeff King
Ohio 4-H Professionals Perceptions of Attitudes Towards 4-H Camping Programs
Alexander Whipp
advised by Dee Jepsen
Youth Farm Safety: Identification of Common Tasks and Availability of Safety and Health Teaching Resources
Katheryn Zelak
advised by Mary Rodriguez
An exploratory study of factors influencing zoo educator message communication.
Dustin Homan
advised by Bob Birkenholz
Exploring Competencies and Training Needs of Adult 4-H Club Leaders Facilitating Positive Youth Development in Ghana, Africa
Kaitlyn Murray
advised by Jeff King
Exploring the Leadership Development of Undergraduate Students of Agriculture at The Ohio State University
Crystal Ott
advised by Jeff King and Graham Cochran
Assessing Awareness, Perception of Importance, and Intention to Practice New Skills in Team Emotional Intelligence with Ohio State University Extension Teams
Desiree Seeloff
advised by Annie Specht
But is it local? A Content Analysis of Farm-to-Table Restaurants within the Columbus Metropolitan Area.
Winfred Tamba
advised by Mary Rodriguez
Extension Agents’ Effectiveness and Good Agricultural Practices Adoption: A Case Study Amongst Cashew Nut Growers in the Masasi District Council, Tanzania
Lydia Ulry
advised by Hannah Epley and Jeff King
Descriptive Analysis of Livestock Projects Impact on Youth Development of Knowledge and Leadership Skills
Ashlan Wickstrom
advised by Annie Specht
Environmental factors of attitude formation toward organic and conventional milk: A study of interpersonal networks and interactions of milk consumers in California
Amy Jo Baughmann
advised by Jamie Cano
The Vocational Agriculture Needs of Students in Choluteca, Honduras
Cassaundra Dietrich
advised by Emily Buck
How Did We Get Here? Understanding Consumers’ Attitudes Toward Modern Agriculture Practices
Steven Laake
advised by Bob Birkenholz
Employee Engagement: Measuring Factors to Improve Organizational Outcomes.
Chris Lameck
advised by Scott Scheer
Impact of Agricultural Subsidies to Smallholder Maize Farmers of Mbeya District Council in Tanzania
Xuerong Lu
advised by Emily Buck
The Impact of Audience Disposition on Pro-GMO Advertisement Effectiveness: An Application of the Elaboration Likelihood Model
Joyce Mwakatoga
advised by Bob Birkenholz
Improving Food Production and Food Security in Tanzania through a Youth Development Program in Agriculture.
Jessica Bowen
advised by Graham Cochran
Exploring Similarities and Differences in Perceptions of Organizational Culture by Generations Present in The Ohio State University Extension Organization
Lindsay Brueler
advised by Gary Straquidine
Developing Ohio 4-H Horse Project Quality Indicators through the Analysis of Enrollment Data and Volunteer Leader Discourse: A Mixed Model Approach
Elizabeth Isaya
advised by Robert Agunga
Sources of Agricultural Information for Women Farmers in Hai and Kilosa Districts, Tanzania
Stephanie Leis
advised by Emily Buck
Engaging with Consumers: How College of Agriculture Graduates Engage with Consumers After Graduation
Leigha Morrison
advised by Emily Buck
The Exploration of Social Media as a Media Relations Tool For Agricultural Organizations
Kayla Oberstadt
advised by Jamie Cano
The Youth Development Organization Needs of Students in Choluteca, Honduras
Timothy Ray
advised by Susie Whittington
A History of Graduate Education in Agricultural Education in the United States
Brooke Beam
advised by Emily Buck
Agricultural Brand Placement in Film
Cara Lawson
advised by Emily Buck
Fracking frames: A framing analysis and comparative study of hydraulic fracturing coverage in American newspapers.
Cade Weston
advised by Robert Agunga
Assessing Participation in Agricultural Development Projects: A Case Study of the Mbalangwe Irrigation Scheme, Morogoro Rural District, Tanzania
Suzanna Windon
advised by Dee Jepsen
Assessing Ohio Farmers: Determining Factors That Affect Their Quality Of Life
Christy George
advised by Gary Straquidine
Comparing Information Transfer Process for Farmland Preservation Programs in Ohio and Pennsylvania
Elizabeth James
advised by Bob Birkenholz
Importance of Factors Considered by Ohio Secondary Agricultural Education Teachers in Their Decision to Remain in Teaching
Katrina Swinehart
advised by Jamie Cano
Student Perceptions of Their Decision to Enroll in Agricultural Education
Bernadette Whitworth
advised by Kristie Lekies
Exploring Age Cohort Differences in Childhood Nature Experiences and Adult Feelings of Connection to Nature
Warren Agner
advised by Jamie Cano
Perceptions Held About Agricultural Education by Coronado High School Students, El Paso, Texas
Karen Argabright
advised by Jeff King and Graham Cochran
Assessing Organizational Values Within The Ohio State University Extension System
Kelly Aue
advised by Gary Straquidine
An application of the Hayakawa-Lowry News Bias Categories to identify news bias when reporting on a contemporary agricultural issue in Ohio
Cindy (Alcinda) Folck
advised by
Case Study of Strategic Communication Campaigns by Certification Programs
Frances Harker
advised by Graham Cochran and Theresa Ferrari
A Case Study of Ohio State University Extension’s 2009 Organizational Restructuring: Perceptions from Area Leaders and Regional Directors
Stacy Jewell
advised by Emily Buck
Integrated Marketing Communication Strategies in Ohio Agribusinesses
Hannah Thompson
advised by Emily Buck
An Assessment Of Crisis Preparedness In Ohio Dairy Companies
Joseph Vaillancourt
advised by Emily Buck
University students’ attitudes and behavior regarding farmers’ markets: an Ohio study
Callie Wells
advised by Emily Buck
Uses of Social Media by Ohio House of Representatives and Ohio Senate Members as it Relates to Agricultural Policies
Hilary Bailey
advised by Emily Buck
Uses and Gratifications of Online Media by Young Ohio Agriculturalists
Brad Bergefurd
advised by Robert Agunga
Assessing Extension Needs of Ohio’s Amish and Mennonite Produce Auction Farmers
Tracy Dye
advised by Bob Birkenholz
Relationship Between Leadership Traits and Activity Participation Among Madison Plains High School Students
Ashley Krogel
advised by Thersa Ferrari
Exploring Point-of-Service Features of Out-of-School Time Program Quality: A Mixed Methods Study of the Learning Environment, Content, and Youth Engagement at Adventure Central
Jenny Dee Strickler (Cherry)
advised by Bob Birkenholz
Ohio Secondary Agricultural Educator Perceptions of Integrating Science
Stacie Wenig (Weing)
advised by Emily Buck
Perceptions of the Pork Industry and Agriculture Practices Related to Agricultural Crisis Communication and Media Use
Jeremy M Falk
advised by M. Susie Whittington
Describing cognitive level of instructor discourse, attitudes, and aspirations, and student content retention during a secondary animal science unit of Instruction
Carla Beth Jagger
advised by M. Susie Whittington
Describing the relationship between cooperative learning techniques used and student cognitive processing capability during college class sessions
Joy Rumble (Goodwin)
advised by Emily Buck
Knowledge and Perceptions of Agriculture Practices and Legislation Related to Social Influences as Predictors of Voting on Agriculture Policy
Annie Specht
advised by Emily Buck
Investigating the Cultivation Effects of Television Advertisements and Agricultural Knowledge Gaps on College Students’ Perceptions of Modern Dairy Husbandry Practices
Lisa Bateson
advised by Thersa Ferrari
A Follow-up Study of Ohio State University Extension’s Youth Financial Literacy Program Real Money, Real World: Behavioral Changes of Program Participants
Whitney Beck
advised by Susie Whittington
Describing time spent using various teaching techniques and student immediate, short-term, and long-term cognitive retention
Amanda Bennett
advised by Kristi Lekies
Workforce Skills Development in Ohio 4-H Club Members: An Analysis by Grade, Gender, and Leadership Experience
Jennifer Eckenwiler
advised by Emily Buck
4-H Members’ Public Speaking Experience Through County Leadership Activities
Ryan Foor
advised by Jamie Cano
Job Satisfaction of Agricultural Communication, Agricultural Leadership, Agricultural Teacher Education, and Extension Education Faculty
Elizabeth McNeal
advised by Emily Buck
A Qualitative Study of Ohio State University Extension Professionals’ Experience with Marketing and Recruiting 4-H Cloverbuds and their Parents
Jeff Soder
advised by Joseph Gliem
4-H State Leaders’ Readiness to Support Lesbian and Gay Youth-Assessing Leaders’ Lesbian and Gay Knowledge, Homophobic Attitudes, and Best Practice Implementation
Kelsey Hall
advised by Emily Buck
Ohio Non-Organic Grain Farmers’ Perceptions of Organic Farming: An Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior
Lindsay (Leslie) Risch
advised by Theresa Ferrari
The Development and Understanding of Responsibility through the Role of Ohio 4-H Camp Counselors
Jon Christian Simonsen
advised by Robert J. Birkenholz
Leadership courses required in agricultural teacher education programs
Amy R Beaudreault
advised by Larry E. Miller
Students’ taste for organic food : a look into influences of perceptions
Michelle Fehr (Shipe)
advised by Susie Whittington
The current status of carteens programs in Ohio: a descriptive study
Waithera Karim-Sesay
advised by Theresa Ferarri
Ukimwi Ni Kamaliza, the wasting disease: socio-cultural factors related to HIV/AIDS vulnerability among women in Kenya
Dona Leonhard
advised by Theresa Ferrari
Youth’s Coping Strategies Used During a Parent’s Military Development and Benefits Gained by Attending Ohio’s Operation Purple Camp
Janel Digby
advised by Theresa Ferrari
The experience of a lifetime : alumni perceptions of the development and transfer of life and workforce skills in the Ohio 4-H camp counselor program
John Ewing
advised by Susie Whittington
Teaching techniques used and types and cognitive levels of professor questioning during college of agriculture class sessions
Cassie Anderson (Turner)
advised by Theresa Ferrari
Adolescents’ Perceptions of Motivation, Participation and Commitment at Adventure Central, A 4-H Afterschool Program
Allen Gahler
advised by Jamie Cano
The relationship between learning style and selected demographical characteristics of selected Ohio first-year high school agricultural education students
Charles Gamble
advised by R. Dale Safrit
Transactional and Transformational Leadership Practices of Leaders in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences at The Ohio State University
Yung-Chul Kim
advised by Larry Miller
Agricultural Teachers’ Attitudes Toward Adult Agricultural Education in Ohio Comprehensive High Schools
Jeffrey Dale Workman
advised by Scott D. Scheer
The influence of self-esteem on delinquent behaviors for high school seniors in the United States
Michael Martin Nolan
advised by N. L. McCaslin
Ohio rural older adults perception of rural cooperative housing
Robert P. Leeds
advised by Keith Lloyd Smith
The corn basis : an investigation for mean reversion during the storage season
Kristina Boone
advised by Curtis Edward Pauslon
Opinions among academicians and leading practitioners regarding the need for and role of graduate studies in agricultural communication
James M. DelPrince
advised by Jamie Cano
An educational needs assessment of floral designers attending the 1990 International Floriculture Industry Short Course
Scot E. Long
advised by Curtis Edward Pauslon
Role of communication in the development of Third World sustainable agriculture
Asdrubal Ostos
advised by Janet Henderson
Evaluation of the technical assistance program provided by the agreement fonaiap-foncafe-prodetec in the coffee area of the Utoda-Rubio, Tachira State, Venezuela
Christopher D. Penrose
advised by John Rohner
Implications of user fees for the Ohio Cooperative Extension Service
Baharum Salehuddin
advised by David McCracken
Perceptions of Ohio county extension agents toward marketing activities in cooperative extension
Colleen C. Wilson
advised by Janet Henderson
Perceptions of a Master of Science degree in agricultural communication by agricultural communicators in education (ACE) : a national study
Melissa L. Beaver
advised by Emmalou Norland
Factors related to successful participation by older youth in 4-H clubs in Ohio using the expectancy valence model of human motivation
Kathy J. Burkholder
advised by Janet Henderson
A visitor study of Inniswood Metro Gardens
Lynley J. Conradi
advised by John Rohner
A case study of the interest level and perceived advantages and disadvantages of multi-state specialist sharing in the cooperative extension service
Kelly W. Gulick
advised by Emmalou Norland
A comparison of the effect of public speaking experience versus written assignment on freshmen college student’s level of communication apprehension
Mark A. Miller
advised by Emmalou Norland
Exploring rural community readiness for participation in community and natural resource development extension education programs
Donald D. Peasley
advised by Janet Henderson
Agriscience curriculum in Ohio agricultural education
Charles D. Schneider
advised by Janet Henderson
Knowledge level and attitudes of eighth grade students about agriculture and natural resources
Margaret M. Strow
advised by Janet Henderson
Factors that affect enrollment in the tri-star vocational courses
Henry S. Elchert
advised by Lowell Hedges
Factors related to the educational needs of farmers in the Vanguard-Sentinel vocational school district
Jose Feliz
advised by Janet Henderson
Extension agents’ and researchers’ perceptions of linkages between the research and extension systems in San Cristobal, Dominican Republic
Argyrios Gerakis
advised by Kirby Barrick
Attitudes of Ohio county extension agents toward satellite video teleconferencing in extension education
Steven J. Gratz
advised by James J Conners
Factors influencing supervised agricultural experience earnings of Ohio FFA state degree recipients as reported on the Ohio FFA state degree application
Ruben Nieto
advised by Janet Henderson
Perceived educational and financial needs of small-scale dairy farmers in Socopo, Barinas, Venezuela
Cristiano Nunez
advised by Janet Henderson
Adoptive behavior of rice growers in the Dominican Republic
Amos Okiria
advised by Larry E Miller
Job satisfaction of agricultural college teachers in Uganda
Cynthia L. Price
advised by Janet Henderson
Factors related to levels of FFA participation
Juan Rodriguez
advised by Janet Henderson
Perceived educational needs of farmers in the Santa Barbara County, District Ezequiel Zamora, Barinas State, Venezuela
Daniel Wims
advised by David McCracken
A descriptive study of Southwest Georgia rural schools and twelfth grade students’ educational and occupational aspirations and expectations
Dasse Bouare
advised by Blannie Bowen
Perceptions of adult educators regarding the content, delivery systems and types of farmers served by three young/adult education programs in Ohio
Saturnina De Los Santos
advised by Emmalou Norland
Use of Bennett’s hierarchical model in the evaluation of the extension education program for cacao farmers in the northeast region of the Dominican Republic
Kathleen M. Escolme
advised by Larry E Miller
Cognitive style of international and domestic graduate students in agricultural education and agricultural economics
Christopher S. Hale
advised by Janet Henderson
Ohio pork producers’ opinions concerning the 100% pork checkoff program
Kay A. Honaker
advised by Janet Henderson
Attitudes of horticulture teachers toward handicapped students
Elizabeth M. Little
advised by Emmalou Norland
A qualitative investigation of adolescent Ohio 4-H members’ perceptions of encouragers and barriers to participation in 4-H
Janet C. Pickford
advised by L H Newcomb
Selected student and professor variables related to cognitive achievement in college of agriculture courses
Brian T. Vogt
advised by Emmalou Norland
Ohio cooperative extension service agents perceptions of the agent rating method of the performance appraisal system
Melena S. Whittington
advised by L H Newcomb and James Arthur Knight
The current status of the female vocational agriculture teachers in Ohio with regard to support and encouragement, subtle sexual harassment and sex discrimination, and job enjoyment
Bruce Zimmer
advised by Richard Warner Clark
Mentor and protegee perceptions of relative success of the Ohio Mentoring System
Charles B. Cook
advised by James A Knight
Behaviors exhibited by and the attributes of six effective and six less effective vocational agriculture teachers in Ohio
Kelly R. English
advised by Barbara E Cooper
A profile of female agricultural broadcasters : a national study
Dickson Khumalo
advised by John Rohner
Perceptions of researchers and county extension agents toward selected agricultural research projects in Ohio
Jayne L. Kramic
advised by Keith Lloyd Smith
The level of impact of agricultural information sources on production and marketing decisions of Ohio farmers
Carol A. List
advised by Keith Lloyd Smith
Attitudes of Ohio cooperative extension service county agents toward their evaluation tasks
Kenneth E. Milliser
advised by Larry E Miller
Factors associated with the decision of first-year 4-H advisors to discontinue after one year of service
Steven C. O’Neal
advised by Janet Henderson
Employers’ perceptions of technical and non-technical skills needed by horticultural employees
Franklin E. Piper
advised by John Rohner
Ohio county extension agents current use, training, and perceptions of the utility of digital microcomputers
Mark A. Tucker
advised by Barbara E Cooper
How Ohio State agricultural alumni view OHIO 21 : an assessment of publication preference, readibility, and audience
Christy S. Collins
advised by Keith Lloyd Smith
College administrators’ image of the agriculture teacher education program : a national study
Marietta P. Dlamini
advised by Larry E Miller
College administrators’ image of the agriculture teacher education program : a national study
Michael E. Newman
advised by Janet Henderson
Teacher and employer perceptions of computer skills needed by agribusiness students
Marsha L. Richey
advised by K L Smith
Perceptions of the effectiveness of 4-H volunteer key leaders as held by key leaders and county 4-H agents in Ohio
Penne L. Smith
advised by Keith Lloyd Smith
“Farm Financial Management” program participants perceptions of their change in knowledge and skills of financial management and their attitude toward the Ohio Cooperative Extension Service
Susan I. Betts
advised by L H Newcomb
High-ability urban high school seniors’ perceptions of agricultural study and selected recruitment strategies
Richardson A. Koleade
advised by
Effective communication media for potential minority 4-H youth in Franklin County as perceived by the county 4-H minority advisors
Joseph A. Kwarteng
advised by Keith Lloyd Smith
Ohio 4-H agents’ and volunteer leaders’ perceptions of the volunteer leadership development program
Cheryl L. Caplinger
advised by Kirby Barrick
Factors related to reenrollment in 4-H of eight- through twelve-year-old members
Janet K. Matulis
advised by Lowell Hedges
Perceptions of 4-H alumni from four Ohio counties concerning the impact of 4-H on their career development
Pantelis B. Ritsos
advised by Larry E Miller
Professional competencies needed by extension employees in urban counties in Ohio
Gary E. Short
advised by
Attitudes of Ohio vocational agriculture teachers toward summer programs
Marcia L. Andrus
advised by Kirby Barrick
Factors influencing the decision of 4-H members to attend 4-H camp
William E. Beckley
advised by Keith Lloyd Smith
Results of the Ohio Cooperative Extension Service needs assessment for community and natural resource development programs
Patricia A. Dyer
advised by Larry E Miller
The relationship of selected variables to the morale of Ohio vocational agriculture teachers
Martha L. Fix
advised by Keith Lloyd Smith
The Ohio 4-H dairy goat program as perceived by 1982 4-H members
Thomas L. Krill
advised by Larry E Miller
Superintendents’ attitudes toward adult vocational agricultural education in Ohio’s comprehensive high schools
Sandra J. Maurer
advised by L H Newcomb
Competency levels of vocational horticulture students regarding pesticide usage in Ohio
Stephen D. Schumacher
advised by Keith Lloyd Smith
The results of the section concerning program emphasis in 4-H from the 1982 survey conducted by the Ohio Cooperative Extension Service
Walter A. Stringfellow
advised by L E Hedges
Measuring selected demographics of the 1983 Ohio State Fair patrons
Victtoria Whitted
advised by Keith Lloyd Smith
Results of Ohio Cooperative Extension Service needs assessment for agricultural industry programs
Nancy M. Bigler
advised by Keith Lloyd Smith
Factors contributing to the retention of volunteer 4-H club leaders in Ohio
Baboucar Manneh
advised by Robert Warmbrod
The role of the extension aids unit of the Ministry of Agriculture, Gambia, for project support communication
Philip A. Neff
advised by J David McCracken
Personality types of vocational agriculture students in comprehensive high schools and in joint vocational schools in Ohio
Richard T. Ricketts
advised by David McCracken
Personality of adult educational instructors in agriculture
Turiman B. Suandi
advised by J David McCracken
Organizational commitment of agents in the Ohio Cooperative Extension Service
Beth H. White
advised by Kirby Barrick
The relationship between participation in a farm education program and appreciation for and cognitive awareness of farm life
Cindy L. Rigsby
advised by Howard Ladewig
Perceptions of 4-H club advisors toward handicapped individuals
Karen S. Snyder
advised by Howard Ladewig
Knowledge of expanded sex roles and attitudes toward self-concept development as related to nontraditional 4-H project selection
Jegak A. Uli
advised by Howard Ladewig
The Ohio county program planning process : perceptions of the county Extension agent chairman
Larae A. Watkins
advised by Larry E Miller
Perceptions of vocational horticulture students, parents, horticulture industry employers and school administrators of the value of extended service contracts
Zakaria B. Abd-Rahman
advised by J David McCracken
Functions of agricultural advisory committees in selected Ohio high schools
Dennis L. Elliott
advised by
The organizational structures, operating practices and characteristics of the members of the boards of directors of the twelve extension-owned resident camps in Ohio
Hobart L. Harmon
advised by David McCracken
Background characteristics, entering professional competencies, and professional development of postsecondary agriculture instructors in Ohio
Janet L. Henderson
advised by James A Knight
Sex bias and teacher evaluation of state FFA degree applications
Joseph Kandeh
advised by Leon Boucher, Keith Lloyd Smith
Selected procedures used in preparing agricultural students for Ohio vocational agriculture contests
Cynthia A. Lee
advised by David Dwight Jenkins
Reflective evidence of the side effect of the Buckeye Feedlot Conditioning Program on the health performance of feeder calves
Cathy S. Mullen
advised by Robert W McCormick
Massachusetts Extension Agents’ perceptions of the 4-H image
Ann E. Ries
advised by David J McCracken
Relationship of perceived sex bias and the decision of women to teach production agriculture
John R. Estadt
advised by
The relationship between learning styles and personality types of students enrolled in an agricultural teaching methods class
Christine D. Karns
advised by David McCracken
Factors influencing secondary school students to enroll in horticulture programs in joint vocational schools in Ohio
Alice K. Lindeman
advised by David Dwight Jenkins
Nutrition progression record scores of participating expanded food and nutrition education program families in five Ohio counties
Ross D. Pickard
advised by L H Newcomb
Should the Ohio State University offer an undergraduate FFA course
Sandra K. Ross
advised by David Dwight Jenkins
Some factors influencing tenure of managerial employees in the fast food restaurant industry
Satya N. Tiwary
advised by David Dwight Jenkins
An assessment of characteristics and needs of small scale farmers in south eastern Ohio
Sarah J. Lindsey
advised by David Dwight Jenkins
Supervised occupational experiences in production agriculture for students with limited opportunity
William C. Reiss
advised by L H Newcomb
A comparison of the importance of major landscape design concepts as rated by Ohio landscape industry personnel and Ohio teachers of vocational horticulture.
Masood Sabihi
advised by Robert W McCormick
Perceived professional education training needs of the extension specialists and agents in selected provinces of Iran
Dwight H. Seman
advised by L H Newcomb
Sources of consumer information on pork and consumer attitudes relative to pork in Akron, Ohio
Gary W. Wilson
advised by L H Newcomb
The importance of motivational appeals to Cooperative Extension agricultural clientele
Christophter Anderson
advised by Richard Ernest Young
Advisor evaluation of selected Ohio 4-H conservation project books
Kenneth D. Davis
advised by Robert Warmbrod
Academic performance of students transferring from two-year technical schools to the Ohio State University College of Agriculture and Home Economics
George W. Houk
advised by Larry Erpelding
A case study analysis of selected agricultural supply and service programs in Ohio
Lucinda B. Moore
advised by J D McCracken
Level of importance of competencies in five small animal care occupations as identified by incumbent workers
David H. Samples
advised by Clarence Cunningham
The southern Ohio Teen camp as perceived by older 4-H members
Donald L. VanNostran
advised by Clarence Cunningham
Role of the 4-H committee in Ohio counties as perceived [sic] by 4-H committee members and agents
Ray A. Wells
advised by David Dwight Jenkins
The adoption, use, and application of no-tillage corn production in the unglaciated region of southeastern Ohio
Georgene M. Bourdeau
advised by Clarence Cunningham
Awareness and need for co-operative housing at the Ohio State University
Alan R. Brugler
advised by Robert Warmbrod
The relationship between academic performance in college and the tenure of teachers in vocational agriculture
Charles D. Clark
advised by David Dwight Jenkins
An analysis of factors influencing the response times of rural, volunteer emergency ambulance services
Fred J. Deel
advised by
Attendance at Southern Ohio 4-H camps as related to promotion procedures, personal contacts and perceived value of camping
John R. Foraker
advised by Ralph E Bender
A follow-up study of former students of vocational agriculture in Kenton High School, 1942-1952
Michael N. Hampson
advised by J D McCracken
Leadership and personal development competencies needed in agricultural occupations as identified by agricultural leaders in Ohio
Abduljaleel Y. Hanoody
advised by
Factors associated with adaption of improved agricultural practices among the sugarbeet farmers in the province of Niniveh, Iraq
Dennis M. Kirven
advised by Clarence Cunningham
Identifying and obtaining local financial resources for urban cooperative extension services
Christopher J. Kriss
advised by M. Newcomb
Evaluation of an audio-visual carrel used as an educational aid for the study of plant material
Charles G. Replogle
advised by David Dwight Jenkins
What is the relationship of reasons given for reenrolling or dropping out of 4-H by first year members from new and regular audiences in four Ohio counties?
Thomas J. Wolf
advised by Robert Warmbrod
The relationship between units of vocational agriculture completed in high school and academic achievement and persistency in the College of Agriculture and Home Economics.
Lawrence G. Anderson
advised by Clarence Cunningham
The needs and scope of the Ohio grape industry
Joan McKenzie
advised by David Dwight Jenkins
Reactions and responses to the cooperative extension home economics television programs on WHIZ-TV
Mohamed H. Mohamed
advised by W. L. Hull
Relationships between demographic characteristics and the importance and frequency of task performance in six occupational areas of agricultural production
Sarah C. Nipah
advised by Clarence J Cunningham
Factors leading to the development of a successful agriculturally related youth program in Ghana
Robert L. Romig
advised by
Prospects for sustainability : an analysis of wood raw material use by the Ohio Wood products industry
John T. Sommers
advised by David Dwight Jenkins
Applying the reputational method in identifying potential volunteer leaders of youth
Dale Blackledge
advised by
Communication with urban low-income 4-H club leaders
David Jeffiers
advised by Clarence Cunningham
Educational needs perceived by Ohio 4-H volunteer leaders in the Wapakoneta extension area
Robert W. Lahmers
advised by Clarence Cunningham
Program responsibilities and training needs of Ohio 4-H program assistants
Wayne R. Longbrake
advised by Richard H. Wilson
Benefits and costs of selected vocational education programs in an area vocational center
Larry Lotz
advised by Clarence Cunningham
The attitudes and learning levels of a 4-H audience to the use of educational television
KennethD. Simeral
advised by C Cunningham
The rapid adjustment farm program’s influence on other farms in the community
Marilynne Snook
advised by Clarence Cunningham
Expanded food and nutrition education program aide attitudes and behavior toward teaching homemakers in groups
Bryson R. Carter
advised by Clarence J. Cunningham
Ohio dairy production testing programs as perceived by dairymen and their wives.
Gary E. Moore
advised by
Assessment of the teaching effectiveness of entry-level teachers of vocational agriculture holding four-year provisional teaching certificates and one-year vocational teaching certificates
Lawrence T. Ricer
advised by David Dwight Jenkins
Educational programming needs for beef producers using different forage feeding systems in Monroe County, Ohio
Harold L. Snyder
advised by
A study of forty-one high schools under county supervision in Monroe, Morgan, Noble and Washington counties, Ohio
James E. Cummins
advised by Ralph E Bender
A follow-up of technical agricultural graduates and dropouts in Ohio
Ronald C. Kowalka
advised by Richard Wilson
The instructional utility of an electrical wiring manual determined by criterion-referenced assessment with ninth grade vocational agriculture students
John Rohrer
advised by C. J. Cunningham
The size, structure and source of community leadership in four rural Ohio counties.
George W. Sherer
advised by C Cunningham
Producers’ educational needs in marketing of feeder calves in selected eastern Ohio counties
Edgar P. Yoder
advised by Ralph E Bender
A cost-effectiveness analysis of selected public school vocational education programs
John C. Foltz
advised by Robert Taylor
Communications : agribusiness’ two-way street to Washington
Calvin Dorr Knight
advised by
The educational needs of commercial dairymen in selected Northeastern Ohio counties
Joseph Craig McClanahan
advised by Clarence J. Cunningham
Senior 4-H camp programs and procedures as perceived by older 4-H club members
Rodney A. Petteys
advised by Robert W. McCormick
Some factors influencing the length of tenure of county extension agents, 4-H in Ohio
John D. Ruoff
advised by Robert W. McCormick
Perceptions of 4-H club work held by farm and nonfarm parents
Ronald E. Thompson
advised by Clarence Cunningham
The educational value of the Ohio State Farm Science Review as perceived by the male clientele
Telford Roy Bogle
advised by Robert McCormick
The importance of selected factors for careers in agriculture
George W. Hothem
advised by Robert W. McCormick
Attitudes toward competition in the 4-H program in Carroll County, Ohio
Raymond A. Miller
advised by Richard Wilson
Problems reported by agriculturally-oriented freshmen and sophomore male students at the Ohio State University
John L. Steva
advised by
Preparation and in-service training for agricultural mission service in Africa
Allen L. Ulrich
advised by Robert W. McCormick
An analysis of 4-H member evaluation in Ohio
Clyde Fenton Archer
advised by Ralph J. Woodin
The occupational status of agriculture graduates from the College of Agriculture and Home Economics at the Ohio State University
John Richard Crunkilton
advised by James Hensel
Enlisted men separating from the military service as a potential source of teachers for vocational and technical schools
Robert Harry Groves
advised by Robert W. McCormick
Saddle horse and other livestock advisors’ perceptions of 4-H Club work in Ohio
William B. Phillips
advised by Robert W. McCormick
Subject matter needs of Mahoning County commercial firm personnel concerned with turf-grass installation and maintenance
John Robert Aylsworth
advised by Robert McCormick
An evaluation of selected aspects of the 4-H club program by urban parents in four Ohio counties
Alfred Jay Baxter
advised by Ralph E. Bender
Adoption of corn growing practices in Clinton county, Ohio
Richard Ballard Farison
advised by Robert W. McCormick
An analysis of wheat and oats yields in relation to manganese applications on selected Wood County, Ohio farms with implications for the extension program
Floren Virgil James
advised by
The role of the county extension agent, chairman in Ohio
Charles William Lifer
advised by Robert W. McCormick
The role of the area extension agent, 4-H as perceived by county 4-H advisory committee members
Urban T. Oen
advised by Ralph E. Bender
Procedures employed by teachers in conducting off-farm cooperative work experience programs
Rodney D. Spohn
advised by Richard Wilson
Parent comprehension of the vocational interests of their high school children
William Alfred Boyer
advised by Ralph E. Bender
The mental ability and scholastic achievement of vocational agriculture students in Wayne County
Harry L Freeman
advised by Robert W. McCormick
An analysis of the level of understanding of agricultural policy held by Hancock County farmers
Earl Haugh James
advised by
The history of the soil and water conservation movement in Ohio : a field study
Franklin William Kapp
advised by Richard Wilson
The training needs in entomology of Ohio County extension agents, agriculture and 4-H
Paul Conrad Leidheiser
advised by Robert W. McCormick
An evaluation of selected aspects of farm management in Lorain County with implications for an extension educational program
Frederick Alexander Lendrum
advised by William H. Wolf
Training needed for agricultural occupations in Allen County
Carl E. Nagy
advised by Ralph E. Bender
Procedures used in the operation of vocational agriculture land laboratories in Ohio
Charles M. Perry
advised by Ralph E. Bender
A study of the beef situation in Perry County, Ohio : with implications for an educational program in cooperative agricultural extension
Larry L. Rhonemus
advised by Robert W. McCormick
Factors associated with termination of service of 4-H advisors in Champaign County, Ohio
Norman G. Rodgers
advised by Willard H. Wolf
The role of teachers of vocational agriculture as perceived by their wives
William E. Ruth
advised by Williard H. Wolf
Some influences affecting teachers of vocational agriculture to leave the profession
Don F. Seaman
advised by Robert W. McCormick
Expressed needs for educational, occupational, and recreational opportunities during the summer months of high school students in Highland County, Ohio
Willard F. Smailes
advised by Willard H. Wolf
Influence of farming programs and other factors associated with pursuance of farming by graduates of vocational agriculture in Wayne County, 1953-58
George F. Wadlington
advised by Robert W. McCormick
An analysis of the procedures used by agricultural agencies to coordinate educational programs
Peter J. Wotowiec
advised by Ralph J. Woodin
Adult education for horticultural employees in Cuyahoga County, Ohio
Donald George Young
advised by Robert W. McCormick
The educational needs and interests of the part-time farmers in Hocking County
Richard Neil Adams
advised by Ralph Bender
An Analysis of high school pupils who did not complete their program of vocational agriculture
Werner LeRoy Becher
advised by Robert McCormick
Improving 4-H counselor training programs for Ohio camps
Francis R. Calderwood
advised by Robert McCormick
An analysis of characteristics and interests of radio listeners and television viewers in the Cleveland area
Herbert D. Chamberlain
advised by Ralph E. Bender
Number and nature of farming opportunities in the Jackson City school district
Rex Edwin Cunningham
advised by Ralph J. Woodin
Administration and objectives of on-the-job-guidance and training programs for vocational agriculture students in northwestern Ohio
Jack Leo Devitt
advised by Richard Wilson
Occupations related to agriculture in Putnam County, Ohio
Richard David Dyer
advised by Ralph E. Bender
The need of vocational education in the Southwestern High School, Franklin County, Ohio
Frederick T. Grimm
advised by Robert W. McCormick
Selected characteristics and problems of farm roadside markets with implications for the development of an educational program
Richard Eugene Heimlich
advised by
The non-vocational programs in agriculture in the public schools in Ohio
Gale J. Leimbach
advised by Ralph J. Woodin
Vocational agriculture for students from urban homes
Corbett Lovely
advised by Ralph J. Woodin
To identify selected accomplishments of the Piketon Vocational School in terms of its stated purposes
Robert J. McBride
advised by Richard Wilson
Occupational status of youth one year after high school graduation, Allen County, Ohio 1962
Donald E. McCreight
advised by Richard Wilson
Evaluation of curricular areas in animal science for non-farm high school students of vocational agriculture
Andrew L. Stevens
advised by Richard Wilson
The use of farm magazines by teachers of vocational agriculture
James K. Warren
advised by Robert Taylor
A basis for a farm management instructional program for full-time farmers in the eastern supervisory district of North Carolina
Lowell O. Wilson
advised by Ralph E. Bender
An appraisal of the T.V.A. unit test demonstration program in Union County, Ohio
Charles Lee Younkman
advised by Robert W. McCormick
The training needs of Ohio County extension agents for using television as an effective educational medium
Glenn E. Zimmerly
advised by Ralph E. Bender
Selected training needs of students preparing for agricultural missionary roles
Leslie Fennen Crabbe
advised by Ralph J. Woodin
Use of mass media in public relations by Ohio teachers of vocational agriculture
John Edward Craine
advised by Robert W. McCormick
The development of a lamb promotional program in cooperative extension work in Greene County, Ohio
Robert Dean Fuller
advised by Willard H. Wolf
Delegation of responsibilities in a multiple teacher department of vocational agriculture
George Joseph Garman
advised by Robert W. McCormick
County Extension agents’ perception of needed 4-H program and procedural adjustments when 4-H enrollment increases to 5,000 members in Ohio counties
Raymond Elwood Griffith
advised by Willard H. Wolf
Professional difficulties of beginning teachers of vocational agriculture in Ohio
Marion E. Kroetz
advised by Ralph E. Bender
An analysis of the soil testing program in Hancock County, Ohio
James E. Omweg
advised by Gilbert S. Guiler
Facilities and time used in teaching mechanics by teachers of vocational agriculture in Ohio
John W. Oren
advised by Ralph E. Bender
The development of a horticultural program in vocational agriculture
Carl F. Ruff
advised by Ralph E. Bender
Development of a camp counselor training program for 4-H Camp Clifton
Raghubir Sen
advised by Ralph J. Woodin
Extension experience through apprenticeship in agriculture education in Ohio
Bernard E. Snider
advised by Willard H. Wolf
A follow-up study of graduates in vocational agriculture in Williams County
Richard Ernest Young
advised by Ralph E. Bender
Methods used to measure 4-H club member growth and accomplishment
Frederick Logan Body
advised by Ralph J. Woodin
Vocational agriculture programs in Ohio’s larger high schools
Joe Van Cunningham
advised by Ralph J. Woodin
Use of time by students enrolled in Ohio high school vocational agriculture classes
Roy Fred Emerson
advised by Ralph E. Bender
A leadership development program for the 4-H club advisors in Geauga County
Daniel M. Hollinger
advised by Richard Wilson
The safety programs of Ohio Future Farmer chapters
Richard Howard
advised by Robert W. McCormick
The relationship of agricultural radio programs to the objectives of the Cooperative Extension Service
Clair Sterling Jones
advised by Ralph E. Bender
A follow-up study of graduates in vocational agriculture in Mercer County
Clifford Owen Jump
advised by
Vocational choices of junior and senior students in Mt. Vernon High School
George Albert Landon
advised by
Present status of non-farm students enrolled in high school vocational agriculture and their occupations following graduation
Thomas J. McDonough
advised by Robert W. McCormick
An analysis of farmer participation in cooperative country grain elevators in Sandusky County, Ohio
Thomas J. McNutt
advised by Richard Wilson
Use made of outside assistance in agriculture adult education by teachers of vocational agriculture in Ohio
Francis L. Miller
advised by Ralph J. Woodin
Farming programs for high school vocational agriculture students with limited farming opportunities
David R. Miskell
advised by Ralph J. Woodin
Improving junior fat steer sales in Ohio
John F. Nicholson
advised by Robert W. McCormick
An analysis of the orientation training for first year 4-H advisors in Ohio
Charles R. Oaklief
advised by Willard H. Wolf
Conducting farm work experience programs in vocational agriculture in Ohio
Richard E. Osswald
advised by Richard Wilson
The agricultural environment of students in vocational agricultural in Ohio
Ellwood S. Parrott
advised by Robert W. McCormick
An analysis of a forced-choice performance appraisal system for agricultural education trainers in Ohio
Merle E. Scheetz
advised by Ralph E. Bender
Characteristics and opinions of members of county extension advisory committees in Ohio
Harold K. Thoburn
advised by Ralph E. Bender
An analysis of corn yields in relation to production practices on Lorain County, Ohio farms with implications for the extension program
Paul E. Van Buren
advised by Ralph E. Bender
Employment opportunities and training needs in selected farm-related occupation in central Ohio
Robert S. Welsh
advised by Willard H. Wolf
Factors contributing to successful adult farmer programs in vocational agriculture in Ohio
David Brandon Young
advised by
Employment opportunities and training requirements in agricultural occupations in Toledo, Ohio, and the surrounding area
Homer Ovid Burt
advised by Ralph E. Bender
An evaluation of resource units as a teaching aid in vocational agriculture
Robert N. Campbell
advised by Ralph J. Woodin
The vocational education choices of junior and senior boys in the Clark County High Schools, 1959-60
Milan Dunham
advised by Carlton E. Johnson
A procedure for utilizing the small gasoline engines as a teaching aid
Paul William Dutenhaver
advised by Ralph E. Bender
Farm management problems of Ohio young farmers
Vincent Joseph Feck
advised by Richard Wilson
Measures of economic aspects of farming programs of students of vocational agriculture
Christopher Jayadas Kalangi
advised by Ralph E. Bender
An analysis of training needs of extension agents in urban and farm counties
Arlen D. McRill
advised by Richard Wilson
The mental ability and scholastic achievement of freshmen vocational agriculture students in Shelby County
Joseph E. Parrish
advised by Ralph E. Bender
An appraisal by graduates of secondary curriculum of the Caldwell exempted village school
William L. Phillis
advised by Richard Wilson
Vocational education choices of eighth grade students in Ross County rural schools
Kenneth E. Trump
advised by Willard H. Wolf
An evaluation of vocational agriculture by Ohio school administrators
Wilbur R. Weir
advised by Ralph E. Bender
Employment opportunities for the graduate of vocational agriculture in farm related occupations in Medina County
Clair W. Young
advised by Ralph E. Bender
An analysis of the participation experiences of associate 4-H Club members in Ohio
David Carroll Barrett
advised by
The organization and operation of selected multiple teacher departments of vocational agriculture in the central region
Hugh Dixon Coffman
advised by Ralph E. Bender
Problems of selected youth in the Warren School District, Washington County, Ohio
Thomas D. Jenkins
advised by Ralph E. Bender
An analysis of the criteria and procedures used in the performance evaluation of Ohio county extension agents
Ivor Jones
advised by Ralph E. Bender
The role of country extension agents in career counseling
James D. McComas
advised by Richard Wilson
The relationship of construction projects to the farm mechanics program of vocational agriculture in Ohio
Roger D. Roediger
advised by
A history of the Ohio Vocational Association from organization to the year 1960
Theodore P. Swingle
advised by Ralph J. Woodin
The vocational education choices of sophomore and junior boys in the Wayne County local high schools 1959-60
Paul Neff Thorburn
advised by Ralph E. Bender
An analysis of the 4-H club programs for 14-to-17-year-old members in Knox County, Ohio
Ralph L. Van Dixhorn
advised by Ralph J. Woodin
Teaching procedures for improving dairy herd records of vocational agriculture students in Dane County, Wisconsin
John C. Billick
advised by Ralph E. Bender
Employment opportunities in farm-related occupations for students of vocational agriculture in Erie and Huron counties, Ohio
Richard C Flint
advised by Ralph J. Woodin
An Evaluation of the method of selecting State farmers in Ohio
Paul Herman Gipp
advised by Ralph J. Woodin
Farming programs of Ohio vocational agriculture students
George Holzer Hamrick
advised by
The swine situation in Pickaway County, Ohio with implications for a program in agricultural extension
Lowell Eugene Hedges
advised by Ralph E. Bender
Criteria used by parents in appraising programs of vocational agriculture
Alvin Joseph Hoying
advised by Ralph J. Woodin
Improving high school vocational agriculture curricula for part-time farmers in Ohio
David Dwight Jenkins
advised by Robert W. McCormick
Some factors influencing the tenure of county extension personnel in Ohio
Samuel B. Martin
advised by Willard H. Wolf
Career patterns of graduates of the College of Agriculture and the Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps at the Ohio State University
Dick C. Rice
advised by Ralph E. Bender
The part-time farmer in relation to the program of adult education in vocational agriculture
John Wendell Watkins
advised by
Farm mechanics program and facilities for vocational agriculture in Ohio
Robert E. Wilson
advised by Ralph E. Bender
The development of an agronomy program in agricultural extension in Butler County, Ohio
Alfred J. Cramton
advised by Austin Everett Ritchie
Selected occupational factors associated with careers of the graduates from the College of Agriculture at selected intervals from 1920 to 1955
Clarence Junior Cunningham
advised by Ralph E. Bender
Relationship of selected pre-college experiences to scholastic achievement in the College of Agriculture at the Ohio State University
Alfred C. Rhonemus
advised by Ralph E. Bender
Use of school land by departments of vocational agriculture in Ohio
Lloyd B. Smith
advised by Ralph E. Bender
The status and problems of farm reared young men in the Delphos (Ohio) community with implications for vocational agriculture
Donald H. Waliser
advised by Ralph E. Bender
Summer programs of teachers of vocational agriculture in Ohio
Glen Robert Boling
advised by William H. Wolf
Family farming agreements with high school students of vocational agriculture
Seifrid Paul Bruny
advised by Ralph E. Bender
Objectives and policies for Ohio 4-H Club camps
Grover Wayne Burkhart
advised by Ralph E. Bender
Status of county extension advisory groups in Ohio
Dallas Lee Cornett
advised by Ralph J. Woodin
Vocational training choices of sophomore and junior boys in the Marion County rural high schools
Donald B. Pfleiderer
advised by Richard Wilson
The Development of an agronomy educational program to emphasize demonstration plots in selected Ohio counties
Hanson B. Rhodes
advised by Ralph J. Woodin
Problems of youth in a rural-urban community
Neil O. Snepp
advised by Ralph J. Woodin
Improving the teaching of farm electrification in vocational agriculture in Ohio
Wenrich Stuckey
advised by Ralph J. Woodin
Program planning in departments of vocational agriculture in Ohio
Robert L. Westfall
advised by Willard H. Wolf
The development and use of departmental advisory committees by Ohio teachers of vocational agriculture
Gilbert W. Woodburn
advised by Ralph E. Bender
Characteristics of successful young farmer programs in vocational agriculture in the North Central Region
John Edwin Worthington
advised by Ralph J. Woodin
Determining local need for vocational agriculture
Walter Merrill Furbay
advised by Ralph J. Woodin
An evaluation of the program of adult education in vocational agriculture at Clay-Genoa School
Earl Franklin Kantner
advised by Austin Everett Ritchie
An appraisal of professional experiences of students and apprentice teachers in agricultural education
Robert Edwin Laubis
advised by George F. Henning
Use of credit by young farmers of Logan County, Ohio
Ward Arcletus Lindenmuth
advised by Ralph J. Woodin
The occupational patterns and plans of 160 former students of vocational agriculture in Ohio
Robert W. McCormick
advised by Ralph E. Bender
Improving 4-H junior leadership training in Ohio
Charles F. Might
advised by Ralph E. Bender
Radio farm-market reporting in the Marion, Ohio area
Wayne E. Schroeder
advised by Austin Everett Ritchie
Opinions regarding the importance of activities for visitation to high school students
Harding Howard Coffey
advised by Ralph E. Bender
Procedures used in teaching farm management in vocational agriculture classes in Ohio
Earl J. Gerdeman
advised by Ralph E. Bender
Farming programs of selected high school students of vocational agriculture from full-time and part-time farms in Ohio
Paul Edward Gorrell
advised by Ralph E. Bender
Financing local chapters of Future Farmers of America in Ohio
John B. Mowbray
advised by Ralph E. Bender
The opinions of farmers in Warren County, Ohio concerning artificial breeding of dairy cattle
John T. Starling
advised by Ralph E. Bender
An evaluation of a soil nutrient inventory and suggested fertilization program
Chester Leroy Zimmerman
advised by Ralph J. Woodin
Student evaluation of the pre-service curriculum in Agricultural Education at the Ohio State University
Lorain Alden Basinger
advised by Ralph E. Bender
Superintendents’ evaluation of teachers of vocational agriculture in Ohio
Clyde Edward Beougher
advised by Ralph E. Bender
An evaluation of tractor maintenance education in vocational agriculture
Leon W. Boucher
advised by
An evaluation of selected characteristics of the Future Farmer section of the Ohio State Junior Fair
James E. Dougan
advised by Ralph E. Bender
An evaluation of selected aspects of supervision of vocational agriculture in Ohio
John William Fraker
advised by Ralph E. Bender
A follow-up study of former students of vocational agriculture in Kenton High School, 1942-1952
Paul P. Mechling
advised by Ralph J. Woodin
An instrument for evaluating the public relations activities of teachers of vocational agriculture
Robert R. Meckstroth
advised by Ralph J. Woodin
Farming problems of young men on farms in Auglaize County, Ohio
Howard D. Nolan
advised by Ralph J. Woodin
The use of teaching aids in adult farmer classes in Ohio
Daryl C. Sharp
advised by Ralph J. Woodin
Selected characteristics of the farming status of out-of-school young men of farms in Auglaize County, 1954
Charles Arthur Williams
advised by Ralph E. Bender
Adult education in vocational agriculture for Negro farmers in Arkansas
Roy Otto Becker
advised by Wilbur F. Stewart
Corn production practices on twenty-one selected farms of young and adult farmers in the Forest, Ohio community
Loy Raymond Clark
advised by Ralph J. Woodin
Selected practices and policies for promoting adult and/or young farmer education in Ohio
Ray Emerson Diley
advised by Ralph J. Woodin
Some characteristics of the four-year supervised farming programs of 1952 graduates of vocational agriculture in Ohio
Clarence R Fridline
advised by
Improving farming programs in the hay and pasture enterprises
DeReath N. Palmer
advised by Ralph E. Bender
An analysis of paid travel used by teachers of vocational agriculture in Ohio, 1951-1952
Kenneth N. Wilson
advised by Ralph J. Woodin
Use of credit by students of vocational agriculture in three counties of western Ohio
Earl Mitchell Blayney
advised by Wilbur F. Stewart
A study of the educational values of the Ohio Future Farmers of America Camp
Addison Joseph Fields
advised by H. G. Kenestrick
Changes and improvements made by Madison County, Alabama, Negro veterans on their farms and in their farming programs while enrolled in the institutional on-farm training program
George Luster
advised by Ralph E. Bender
Rating future farmer programs in the Kentucky chapter contest
Howard L. Miller
advised by Ralph E. Bender
Membership and program relationships of 4-H club work and vocational agriculture in Ohio
Howard W. Nowels
advised by Ralph E. Bender
Vocational agriculture program suggestions for high school students in selected departments having a high percentage of students from part-time farms
Dewey Pierce
advised by Ralph E. Bender
The Status of adult education in vocational agriculture in Ohio, 1951-1952
Harlan E. Ridenour
advised by E. F. Baumer
Procedures used by Ohio vocational agriculture teachers in using research data published by the Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station
Gordon J. Ryder
advised by Ralph E. Bender
A study of the fatal accidents to farm people on the farm, outside the home, in Ohio during 1951
James E. Swayze
advised by H. G. Kenestrick
A study of institutional on-farm training for Negro veterans at Zebulon, North Carolina
Riley S. Dougan
advised by Ralph E. Bender
Farm shop skills and abilities needed and acquired by beginning teachers of vocational agriculture in Ohio
Gilbert Samuel Guiler
advised by Ralph E. Bender
An evaluation of the program of adult education in vocational agriculture at Canal Winchester, Ohio
Kenneth Lloyd Holtrey
advised by Ralph E. Bender
Problems of youth in the Celina, Ohio community with some implications for their solution
Fred R. Marti
advised by Ralph E. Bender
A study of selected factors influencing the tenure of dairy production testing on Holmes County farms
Josiah Phelps
advised by H. G. Kenestrick
Present farming status of former negro students of vocational agriculture in Brooks County, Georgia
James V. Poe
advised by Ralph E. Bender
Interests and opinions of Negro veterans relative to an agricultural program for adults in Bullock County, Alabama
Dorris R. Purkey
advised by Ralph E. Bender
Time used for professional activities by teachers of vocational agriculture in Ohio
Austin E. Ritchie
advised by Ralph E. Bender
An evaluation of the in-service training program for beginning teaches of vocational agriculture
Gideon D. Seymour
advised by H. G. Kenestrick
Possible causes affecting the distribution of State farmers in Ohio, 1945-1946 to 1948-1949
Ralph William Bergman
advised by Ralph E. Bender
A further study of vocational agriculture students who have been awarded the Degree of State Farmer in Ohio from 1929-1938
Raymond Oral Deacon
advised by Ralph E. Bender
A study of selected teaching aids as used by teachers of vocational agriculture in Ohio
Clark M. Thomas
advised by H. G. Kenestrick
A study of the farming status of out-of-school young men on farms in Wilcox County, Alabama
Christopher C. Chunn
advised by Ray Fife
A study of the effectiveness of institutional-on-farm training in meeting the needs of Negro veterans in three north Alabama counties
Glenn H Griffith
advised by Ray Fife
The personal relationships between fathers and their sons who are studying vocational agriculture in Ohio high schools
Franklin Diley Miller
advised by Ray Fife
Changes in program and equipment for farm work in central Ohio based upon farming needs
Phelton Garrison Simmons
advised by Ray Fife
An evaluation of selected teaching aids used in teaching vocational agriculture in schools for Negroes in Tennessee
Julius Harold Lintner
advised by Ray Fife
A study of certain problems arising from the conduct of the institutional on-farm training program in Ohio including a comparison of the effectiveness of the four different types of instruction
Harry Neville Hansucker
advised by Wilbur F. Stewart
Selecting desirable locations for additional departments of vocational agriculture in seven West Virginia counties
Ralph Denver Lemon
advised by C. E. Rhoad
Farming program supervision of all-day students as conducted by selected teachers of vocational agriculture in Ohio
Wilkin Harold Teegarden
advised by C. E. Rhoad
An analysis of the procedures used by selected Ohio teachers of vocational agriculture in arriving at a program of activities for young farmers
David Elliot Colville
advised by Ray Fife
The reasons why farmers attend short courses and the subsequent influences on their farming programs
Bruce Hodgsen Stribling
advised by Wilbur F. Stewart
ensure in teaching vocational agriculture by graduates in agricultural education from the Clemson Agricultural College
Milford Eugene Schmidt
advised by Wilbur F. Stewart
A suggested program for the state camp of Ohio future farmers
William Edward Stuckey
advised by
An investigation in the use of advisory councils for vocational agriculture in Ohio
Ralph J Woodin
advised by Ray Fife
More comprehensive supervised farm practice in the dairy enterprise
John William Ellis Dunbar
advised by Ray Fife
The participation in in-school and out-of -school activities of former students of the Marion Township, Morgan County, school
Charles Frederick Flickinger
advised by H. G. Kenestrick
The association of certain boy, family, farm, and program factors with rated groups of individual farming programs
Dale Thompson Friday
advised by Ray Fife
County programs in vocational agriculture
Donald Bartlett Robinson
advised by Wilbur F. Stewart
A method of using the land use committee recommendations in planning a program of vocational agriculture
Marion Weedman Wallace
advised by Ray Fife
A study of the summer teaching load of 27 teachers of vocational agriculture in south-western Ohio
Willard H. Wolf
advised by Wilbur F. Stewart
How teachers assist young farmers to increase their net worth
Ralph E. Bender
advised by Ray Fife
An evaluation of the participating experiences in the pre-service professional training program of teachers of vocational agriculture at Ohio State University
Herschel Boehm Drake
advised by Ray Fife
Why 4-H members terminate membership before reaching the maximum age limit
Warren Ganz Weiler
advised by Wilbur F. Stewart
A study of the students of vocational agriculture who have been awarded the degree of State farmer
Thomas J. Horne
advised by Wilbur F. Stewart
The activities and inter-relationships of the departments of vocational agriculture and the farm bureaus in Virginia
Garcia-Hernandez Lorenzo
advised by Wilbur F. Stewart
The program of agricultural instruction for the out-of-school farm youth in Puerto Rico
Walter Albert Alexander
advised by Wilbur F. Stewart
Problem series to develop managerial ability in the production of certain field crops
Claude E. Rhoad
advised by Wilbur F. Stewart
A study of the relation of selected pre-service achievement and experience factors to success in teaching vocational agriculture in Ohio
Walter Wilbur Smith
advised by Wilbur F. Stewart
The nature and extent of home work-shop activity among high school boys
George Whitfield Conoly
advised by Wilbur F. Stewart
The program of education for young Negro farmers in Florida
Ralph M. Foltz
advised by Wilbur F. Stewart
The administration of vocational education in agriculture in Ohio contrasted with that of ten selected states
Ashlie Reid Hocking
advised by Wilbur F. Stewart
An analysis of the records made by 303 farm-reared men students at Ohio State University in which those who presented vocational agriculture for entrance credit are compared with those who did not
Paul F. Pulse
advised by Wilbur F. Stewart
A study of the organization and development of junior fairs in Ohio with recommendations appropriate to Licking County
Robert L. Reynolds
advised by Wilbur F. Stewart
Improving departments of vocational agriculture through the use of the score card
Roy Roller
advised by Wilbur F. Stewart
A suggested procedure for teaching farm management in high schools in western Ohio by means of a problem farm
Wilbur B Wood
advised by Wilbur F. Stewart
The library situation in Darke County, Ohio : with a suggested plan for county library service
Robert Leo Albright
advised by
The Community fair
Lloyd B. Fidler
advised by Lyman Jackson
An analysis of the use of time by students of vocational agriculture in Ohio high schools
Lester Newton Geiger
advised by Wilbur F. Stewart
An evaluation of programs of work of local chapters of Future Farmers of America in Ohio
Chester J. George
advised by
The relationship between occupational pursuits of farm reared young men and their courses in high schools
Adam W. Tenney
advised by Wilbur F. Stewart
A study of participation training in preparation for teaching vocational agriculture
Ralph A. Howard
advised by Ward G. Reeder
A list of laboratory apparatus for a vocational agriculture department
Oscar R. LeBeau
advised by Wilbur F. Stewart
The development of agricultural instruction under the Smith-Hughes Act among Negroes in Virginia
Howard McClarren
advised by H. B. Abarty
Evening instruction in vocational agriculture : its principles and procedures
Norwood Rarason Shields
advised by Wilbur F. Stewart
The content of a series of evening courses for negro farmers of the Wilberforce, Ohio, community, based upon a farm survey of practices and needs
Orville Louis Young
advised by Wilbur F. Stewart
Functioning subject matter in poultry husbandry for students in the College of Agriculture as adjudged by teachers of vocational agriculture in Ohio
Raymond L. Dennison
advised by Wilbur F. Stewart
Means and methods of securing home practice work in vocational agriculture in addition to the major enterprise
Floyd J. Ruble
advised by Wilbur F. Stewart
The organization and development of young men’s farming clubs in Ohio
Clarence Swanson Woodard
advised by Lyman Jackson
Agricultural instruction under the Smith-Hughes Act for Negro part-time groups in the southern states
Eldon Douglas Adams
advised by
The Status of instruction in agriculture in the state teachers’ colleges of Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio
Fred Raymond Davis
advised by
What happens to the vocational agriculture student after he leaves high school and what happens to the vocational agriculture instructor after he leaves the work
William Shauck Ferguson
advised by
A study of the factors affecting the salaries of superintendents and high school principals of cities and exempted villages in Ohio
Harry Atwood
advised by J. J. Falconer
Is Ohio agriculturally self-sufficient?
Arthur C. Kennedy
advised by Herschel W. Nisonger
A study of the needs for training in farm mechanics in Ohio
John McClelland
advised by Herschel W. Nisonger
Agricultural Instruction for part time groups in Ohio